How to deal with stress after emergencies?
Worksafe Smart, Health and Safety Consultant for the Nelson, Richmond and Blenheim region. Health and Safety policies, manuals, management plans, training, reviews, audits, advice and more.
Stress after emergencies
In emergencies, people put themselves into a survival state to deal with problems and cope with fears and other feelings. This is the body’s natural way of working outside the normal comfort zone and is called a ‘state of stress’. It means people can:
focus on the important things
concentrate and work hard for long periods
put aside feelings in order to do what has to be done
carry lots of details in their mind
put their own needs aside and not feel hunger or fatigue while others are in need
think clearly and quickly
Being in a state of stress uses lots of energy. People can usually keep going for as long as they need to, but eventually they start to feel the effects of stress. They can’t maintain their energy level and come off the ‘high’ they have been on.
This is when people may start to display stress symptoms. This is the rebound to the extra efforts that have been made during the crisis.
Stress is normal and natural, but needs to be understood so it does not cause further problems.
Common stress symptoms
Trouble thinking clearly
Trouble making decisions
Can’t concentrate or remember details
Short attention span
Not speaking clearly, slurring words, forgetting names
Bodily tension, stress and tightness in muscles
Weak feelings, tiredness, loss of energy and enthusiasm
Headaches, trembling, sweating, nausea, aches and pains
Lack of appetite, increased desire for stimulants, sugar, alcohol, tobacco or coffee
Feeling tired but cannot sleep, disturbed sleep, dreams and nightmares
Irritable, bad tempered, impatient and restless
Can’t relax or keep still
Everything seems too hard or difficult
Easily upset or hurt
Insecure – wanting to stay in familiar places with routines
Experience waves of anger or worry that aren’t reasonable
Feel others are to blame for stress
Tendency to get things all out of proportion
Can’t feel happiness, enjoyment or affection for loved ones
Changed relationships with those close to you
Have to talk about the emergency all the time
The stress cycle
Stress reactions cause more problems – and this causes more stress. This is called the stress cycle. Long-term stress will undermine health and may cause illnesses. Getting over stress means breaking the stress cycle.
Breaking the stress cycle
Recognize you are stressed
People often don’t recognize their own stress because they are too focused on the problems. Listen to others who may see you more clearly than you see yourself.
Make a decision to break the stress cycle
Although there are lots of things about your life you can’t change, there some that you can – but you have to decide to do it.
Looking after yourself
There are plenty of things that anyone can do to help break the stress cycle and reduce tension. Many simple pleasures will make a big difference to stress.
Do regular rhythmic physical exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling.
Make an effort to reduce, or at least not to increase, your intake of stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and sugar as they keep the stress cycle going.
Keep regular contact with people you like to be with.
Make time to be with your family or friends.
Talk to people you trust about yourself and what’s happening so you can get it into perspective.
Do regular relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, listening to quiet music, meditation.
Do something about bodily tension such as massage or exercises.